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Aloe striatula


By Meanie

Aloe striatula (Aloe striatula)

This has proven to be hardy so far..............

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Most Aloe species are really hardy...with the exception of a few species which are native to the more tropical dry areas of Africa. Of course, we can grow all species here in San Diego, CA. I'm just bragging as usual! :>)

1 Aug, 2014


The thing that does for them here though is the winter wet. So UK hardiness is more about their tolerance to that rather than the cold that we get (the likes of which you cannot comprehend!!).

1 Aug, 2014


I'm guessing from that my plant is to hot in the greenhouse it doesn't look very bright I'll stand it outside until the weather cools down ....

1 Aug, 2014


This is planted out Amy. Three flower spikes, the plant has forked at the top, two branches lower down and four pups coming from the rootstock!

1 Aug, 2014


I totally forgot to put it out today I'll do it tomorrow ..!!

1 Aug, 2014



I figured that might be the problem in the UK, the wet winters. I know that you can't grow the tree types there, they don't tolerate your cold or wet.

2 Aug, 2014


The winter wet here is a big problem for some of the more rare species....

6 Aug, 2014


Your winter wet was quite extreme though wasn't it DD?

7 Aug, 2014



Can you grow the common Aloe vera there, outside?

8 Aug, 2014


Not a hope in hell - four have turned to mush on me, even in the mildest of winters.

8 Aug, 2014


Meanie it was a complete disaster, surprised we had any plants left in the garden at all....

8 Aug, 2014



Wow! That's strange...I always thought Aloe vera was one of the hardiest species. In the San Francisco Bay Area I had so many spreading I had to throw them in the trash.

8 Aug, 2014


That's how I remember it DD.

Cold and wet every time over here Delonix.

9 Aug, 2014


I guess that constant wetness would do them in.

We could sure use some of that wetness here, though.

10 Aug, 2014


Have it! It's bucketing down here thanks to Bertha!

10 Aug, 2014


I heard that former hurricane Bertha was heading to the UK. Why can't we get some rain from a former hurricane? :>(

Hurricane/tropical storm Iselle hit the Hawaiian Islands a few days ago. They've had tons of rain, also.

11 Aug, 2014


You guys should keep your tropical storms to yourselves!

11 Aug, 2014


I heard former hurricane Bertha was heading to the UK. I hope you don't get too much damage!

Why can't we get some good rains from a former tropical storm? :>( We don't want a hurricane/tropical storm, which are very rare here; however, they have happened during El NiƱo years (which we're having now). There's only been one recorded hurricane which struck San Diego back in 1858...we're overdue. :>/

11 Aug, 2014

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This photo is of "Aloe striatula" in Meanie's garden

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