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Daylily - 'Skeezix'

Daylily - 'Skeezix'

This is a nocturnal type - it was almost fully opened and quilled last night at 11 P.M. It is a Double Crispate type, TET, and I measured it - 9". It is next to Strikingly Dramatic, so that is why all the tags and pods.

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Huge , and a great colour

1 Aug, 2014


Wow!!, I've often been tempted by this one.....
'Strikingly Dramatic' is a good parent then? :-)

1 Aug, 2014


I was a little apprehensive on what the first flower of this would look like since it is 70% double and Tinkers doesn't have a photo of the double.
Strikingly Dramatic is being very fertile, and there will be a lot of crosses involving it for me to choose seeds.
These 2 are part of the way I see things: space is limited, so it is better to get 1 expensive plant instead of 3 cheap ones. It takes up less space and gives better results. Proof: see the one I will be posting today of the first year flowering cross I made last year.

2 Aug, 2014


I wondered how double your first flower would be too, can't get better than that.
I know just what you mean about buying just one good plant, up until last year I'd buy far to many in a year without checking first if I had anything similar, now like you space is an issue so first I check if I have anything similar then I look on Tinkers at children etc to see if it'd be good for breeding,even though I'm just a beginner yet :-), now I know its not a really expensive one, and its an older variety but one I'm really fancying is 'Skinwalker',so many lovely children and I've seen a lot of lovely seedlings from it too on daylily chat sites, think its a must have for me :-)

3 Aug, 2014


The second flower opened on this today, just as double and skinny. :)
I think Get Jiggy was a great investment for you. Since Skeezix and Whale Tails are open today, they were competing on pollenating everything else. 14 crosses today!
There is nothing wrong with using the older ones. A few months ago I got Silent Sentry (1992) to do something different with appliques; and Chama Valley (2000) for the eye. Destined To See (1998) isn't a spring chicken, but I have been using it.

3 Aug, 2014


There were a few choice words here the other day, after you pointing me in the direction of all those lovely crosses with 'Destined to See' x 'Julie Newmar' (especially 'Entwined in the Vine') last year and trying with no success to cross them I actually had a huge pod developing this year, what did I do but step over it to deadhead and knocked it off!!!! grrrrr.
I can't wait till next year for 'Get Jiggy' to flower sure everything in sight will be crossed with it :-)

3 Aug, 2014


This one is very special!

13 Aug, 2014

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