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Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'

Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'

Beautiful pink and fragrant flowers. Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies love them

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I am looking for the summersweet Ruby spice" Have already picked a spot between my gunneras ..... but I do not seem to see it at our GCs.

7 Aug, 2014


Usually that is the only one I can find consistently. If you do find one, try to buy it in flower. I bought two a couple years ago in the Spring and one is deep pink while the other has pink buds but the flowers almost look white. I'd send you cuttings if I could but it's a pain to send any plants in or out of the US.

27 Aug, 2014


I will take your advice Rkw...if I ever find one. No idea why I do not see it anywhere around here.
It is difficult to send plants out of Canada as well. Thank you for the thought anyways.

28 Aug, 2014


Have you seen any other Clethra varieties at the GC's? If you have seen 'Rosea' it is the same as Ruby Spice and I have seen it tagged as Pink Spires too. Are there any mail order places you could get it from? There are a lot of mail order places in Oregon that would probably ship to you relatively cheap, I order a lot of plants from Forest Farm and I'm sure they would have it.

30 Aug, 2014

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