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phlox and hosta


By Lori

phlox and hosta

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Is August usually your hottest month Lori?

10 Aug, 2014


The last two weeks of July and the first two of August are our high summer, Karen. In times past we had hot weather right to the long weekend at the first of Sept. and October was golden. Last winter, if you remember my complaining, it was extremely cold and l o n g. We had a late cold spring and with June this flip-flop cold to hot weather began again and has continued thro July (usually our hottest month) and here we are in mid-August and it's looking like we'll have a very early frost this summer too. My tomatoes are not ripening...I hope to get some to eat like an apple. May end by making Green Tomato Pickle.

14 Aug, 2014

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