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A garden flower photo

One of the scariest pictures I've taken this season. These guys are very intimidating

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well done , excellent shot

19 Jul, 2008


Thanks Irish. I was almost shaking taking shots of this one.

19 Jul, 2008


i can imagine why, how long did it take you to get that shot?

19 Jul, 2008


I took pictures over a minute or two. If felt like a lifetime! This was the best shot of the group.

19 Jul, 2008


I meant *it* felt like a lifetime.

19 Jul, 2008


I have them in the yard in the hundreds....last year I killed 29 in the house alone (they fly in as the dorrs are opened). No nests near the house or shed & none that I've seen in the trees, but UGH, they are nesting somewhere nearby.

19 Jul, 2008


We've gotten rid of 4 small nests (incubation chambers, maybe?) so far this season. Problem is that there's almost always one standing watch over them, and no way am I taking even one of them on... I wait till the nest is unguarded and get rid of it.

19 Jul, 2008


Yes it is a very nice shot, good focusing

12 Aug, 2008


Now thats nothing like the wasps we get in GB.

12 Aug, 2008


you could put a saddle on that thing

12 Aug, 2008


They're a little over an inch long, but 'feel' much larger. There's also a black type that I see sometimes(I posted a picture), and that has to be at least 2 inches long. *shudder*

12 Aug, 2008


Great shot, shudder....looks like our notorious Yellow Jacket? Had lots of them this spring, nasty!

25 Aug, 2008


Probably the same (vicious) insect.. they seem to be called every name in the book and then some, lol.
I just try to keep out of their way.

26 Aug, 2008

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