Clematis texensis Princess Diana
By Scottish

11 Aug, 2014
Only in her 2nd year but making progress!
Comments on this photo
Isn't it Shirley. She takes an absolute age to start growing in spring time, which is rather frustrating.
11 Aug, 2014
I love this clematis so very pretty....
11 Aug, 2014
Again I have a very similar clematis growing among the Camellias near the back fence. Yours one is very pretty colour. Mine is slow to get going too. Once it gets going it likes to shin up quite high
12 Aug, 2014
Scottish I bought this last year in April and it has plenty of leaf growth but it hasn`t flowered as yet, did yours take as long as this.
12 Aug, 2014
Thanks everyone.
DD2, I had been on the lookout for this Clematis for a few years and was gifted it by my neighbour for looking after her mother whilst they were away.
Dorjac, we obviously have a similar taste. I've high hopes for her.
Stroller - this is the 2nd plant of this I've tried. The first I mentioned above died or so I thought. That's another story but this one has been in the garden since last summer. No blooms last year but some this year. What you can see is just about it. Did you prune yours Stroller? They need cutting right back in spring (check first, don't rely on my information) to promote new growth I think.
12 Aug, 2014
Very similar but called Duchess of Albany Scottish. Difficult to keep it well watered in a heatwave. Over about 8 years it has gone up about 15 feet into a viburnum and and a laburnum. It seems not to be a prolific in flower. Supposed to be cut back but I can never bring myself to be too drastic.
16 Aug, 2014
Fabulous clematis Angie. I note you keep it nice and tidy on plastic mesh, stapled to your trellis. Great idea.
16 Aug, 2014
Thanks for the info Scottish, will prune back this spring and see what happens.
23 Aug, 2014
Dorjac, I think this type of Clematis with the tulip shaped flowers are all very similar and from the ones I've seen there's not much between them. I'm hping mine gets nice and big like yours one day!
Thanks Alan. The mesh works well but to be honest, it was to discourage one of my cats and a neighbours cat from climbing through the gaps in the trellis and damaging the stems. That idea worked too!
Good luck with Stroller.
24 Aug, 2014
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This photo is of "Clematis texensis Princess Diana" in Scottish's garden
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That's a very pretty Clematis .....
11 Aug, 2014