Liquidambar No.2
By Sheilabub
- 20 Aug, 2014
Thought we were mad to plant these, but they are six years old and have never been pruned . . . must be our poor soil!
Comments on this photo
Thank you Karen - very kind :)
20 Aug, 2014
It'll grow! And provide beautiful colour, as well. I think it's very pretty.
20 Aug, 2014
Thanks Susanne. One is in full sun, the other in dense shade - no difference in their growth though, which is 'Quite Interesting'!
21 Aug, 2014
I'm sure they will put on a spurt all of a sudden, tall do they usually get? I don't know anything about these..very pretty foliage :o)
21 Aug, 2014
Thanks Sandra . . yes, they do tend to be grown for their foliage. The first one I saw was at Wisley (my parents lived nearby and it was my Dad's favourite tree) . . . it was ENORMOUS! I think there are six varieties which can grow to anything from 20ft to 80ft but - thankfully perhaps - they prefer acid soil, and ours is alkaline/neutral :)
22 Aug, 2014
Oh wow,that is big ! If you have the space,I guess it's no problem..nice to remind you of your Dad,Sheila..and what a lovely place to live..I loved it there,as we went for a visit,when we went to Chelsea flower show in 2008,on a long weekend..just such a beautiful place..The very first photo's I posted on here were from Chelsea..with a lot of trial and error ! Lol.It took me ages to get the hang of it :o)
22 Aug, 2014
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Very slow indeed! Beautiful though. ;)
20 Aug, 2014