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(Better Lucky Than Good x Hippie Crash Pad) X (Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy [BSA#11])

(Better Lucky Than Good x Hippie Crash Pad) X (Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy [BSA#11])

Another FFO on a first year seedling! The other photo I have posted is its pod parent. This has kept the eye shape of the pod, and mixing red with purple has given the brick red colour. The self is a mix of bright orange with almost white giving a creamy light pink.

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22 Aug, 2014



23 Aug, 2014


Wonderful and quite different colours, love that edge too :-)

26 Aug, 2014


It has had 3 flowers now, and they are all with the same eye and edge. All the seeds I made this year use the other (A.F.T. x J.N.) sdlg. But all the new sdlgs for FFO next year use this one.

26 Aug, 2014


I'm loving the way you can get so many totally different flowers from the same cross so exciting, the possibilities are endless :-)

27 Aug, 2014


I have been spreading (A.F.T. x J.N.) [it is a pain spelling everything out, so I use the initials when I can] and Life is a Highway around hoping for the patterns to show up it a variety of colours. After todays FFO, it looks like I will have more success using (A.F.T. x J.N.), so that will affect what seeds I start next year.

27 Aug, 2014


So beautiful! It reminds me of a cheerleader...

28 Aug, 2014


Thanks. I think the edge will be better next year.

28 Aug, 2014

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