Rose of Sharon
By Bathgate

23 Aug, 2014
Comments on this photo
We also call Hibiscus syriacus= Rose of Sharon in Canada. I've noticed someone on this site called Hypericum calycinum =Rose of Sharon. That was news to me Hywel. Common name of Hypericum on this continent is St. John's wort .
Pretty confusing.
24 Aug, 2014
That's why I prefer calling plants by their botanical names ...
Hypericum calycinum is what we call Rose of Sharon here.
Hypericum perforatum is called St John's Wort.
There are other Hypericums but I think they are just called 'Hypericum'
We just call Hibiscus 'Hibiscus'
24 Aug, 2014
The name hibiscus is reserved for the beautiful large flowered tropical plant here which we cannot grow here outside. I grow one indoors. But I agree with you completely, the best is to use botanical names. Less confusing .I inherited Hibiscus syriacus with all white flowers. It is almost a small tree now. Quite beautiful.
I see them in garden centers.... mainly the purple ones and they do have Rose of Sharon labels on them (bellow the latin name)
Different countries, different customs :-))))X
24 Aug, 2014
Makes it all the more interesting :) x
24 Aug, 2014
Rose of Sharon and Hibiscus are close relatives and both originate from Asia (China) with Rose-of-Sharon in the higher elevations and hardier. Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) and the rose-of-Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) add bold visual interest to a garden. These two species are close relatives -- both are members of the mallow family, Malvaceae. Horticulturists and breeders developed numerous cultivars of both shrubs, increasing the number of ornamental plants with particularly showy flower colors.
24 Aug, 2014
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I believe it's a Hibiscus :)
23 Aug, 2014