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Daphne x napolitana 'Meon'

Daphne x napolitana 'Meon'

Two year old plant from cutting, has been flowering all summer. My older plant flowered in the Spring and once in June but younger Daphnes will flower more than older ones. The light pink flowers on this look great against the dark green leaves

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I like your collection of daphnes Rkw. I have only one. I think it is just called "winter daphne". Very fragrant .

28 Aug, 2014


I love winter daphne, it's not hardy here but I have two potted plants I keep on my sun porch during winter. I love the fragrance and the flowers usually last a long time too. They're very pretty plants outdoors but they never look as good in containers. Do you have pictures of yours?

30 Aug, 2014


I have it in the garden but it does not bloom now. I will make some pictures in the spring when its still in bloom. We live in Mexico in winter.

1 Sep, 2014


I just found a picture from an early spring I have uploaded.

2 Sep, 2014


Must be nice being in Mexico during the winter, I know a lot of people who live in Florida or Arizona in the winter and only live in Michigan when the weather is nice. After last winter I don't think I'll ever want to see snow again, must be a lot of people feel the same way lol.

12 Sep, 2014


We do not have snow on Vancouver Island but lots of grey skies and rain. Not very pleasant ...even if it is not very cold. So we are joining all the snowbirds ...going where the sun is. :-)

13 Sep, 2014

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This photo is of "Daphne x napolitana 'Meon'" in Rkwright's garden

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