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Daylily cross - Amethyst Reflections x Unk

Daylily cross - Amethyst Reflections x Unk

This group never seems to stop flowering. At the beginning of the year, it was those in my front yard. Now it is this one in the back.

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wow and great colour as well

16 Sep, 2014


This is one of my top seedlings. Too bad the name Double Pompon has been taken.

17 Sep, 2014


Like a Regency ladies gown , Wylie .

19 Sep, 2014


Lovely lovely :-) a much lighter colour than the one you sent me or is it because its late in the season?
Love this one and its increasing fast too :-)

22 Sep, 2014


There are differences in each of the seedlings from this cross. Yours is flatter with a stronger center and more buds.

22 Sep, 2014

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