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Jewel Weed at it's peak.


By Lori

Jewel Weed at it's peak.

Hummingbirds and bees enjoy this wildflower.

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27 Sep, 2014


related to impatiens...very tender too...the frost has turned them to mush.

27 Sep, 2014


Oh dear...oh year. My Sweetpeas for next year have just germinated in the greenhouse.

27 Sep, 2014


not heard of this plant, but then there's so many i've not heard of! sounds good that it's so insect-friendly

27 Sep, 2014


Me neither Fran. It's lovely and bright isn't it.

28 Sep, 2014


is it invasive at all?

1 Oct, 2014


When the seed ripens (it forms in a pod) the pod POPs and sends the seed a distance from the parent plant. They enjoy very rich soil (well rotted compost as is found near old barns, henhouses and rabbit hutches!) but they will grow in any soil as long as it's relatively moist. If you find it growing where it's not wanted it can be easily weeded and will not return. It's on GoY as Impatiens capensis, Jewel Weed or Touch-Me-Not! ... <3

1 Oct, 2014


not sure how "rich" the soil is here, I've not enriched it yet and heaven knows when it was last done, so I think I'm safe from incursions!

4 Oct, 2014



10 Oct, 2014

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