The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Daylily - 'Apple Swirl'

Daylily - 'Apple Swirl'

This is the 3rd group of blooms on this, this year. Little Guy had to sneak into the photo.

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Brilliant!!, it usually reblooms here but not a lot are reblooming this year, its still very mild but we haven't had the rain everythings so dry, I've found myself watering lots of things in September!!!

30 Sep, 2014


The cold spell has passed, and I have been wearing shorts again. But Lots of rain, so the weeds will be crowding everything.

30 Sep, 2014


I haven't been to the allotment for over a week I know that'll want a weed but you can't get a fork in the ground at the moment.

1 Oct, 2014

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