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Bougainvillea 'Orange King'

Bougainvillea 'Orange King'   (Bougainvillea 'Orange King')

It doesn't look very orange to me. However, I purchased this plant back in 1988. I had another one which I trained as a tree in the ground in the San Francisco Bay Area. Photo taken Sept. 26, 2014.

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Beautiful colour though....

9 Oct, 2014


Yes, the orange king bracts fade to this pale pinkish color.

I'm so glad I don't have any Bougainvillea in the they become very rampant growers... and I hate cutting them back because of the big thorns.

13 Oct, 2014


I tend to forget they have thorns....

13 Oct, 2014


Yes, lots and lots of thorns.

I used to have a very long fence with practically every color of Bougainvillea (this was in the San Francisco Bay Area). It was beautiful! However, very painful to cut back.

14 Oct, 2014


I like that.
You rarely see any color in the bay area other them red or purple. One French eatery here has a huge Jamaican white. over a heavy pergola.

21 Oct, 2014


I think the reds and purple varieties are the most common there; however, I've seen many other colors in the ground. I purchased this orange king in the Bay Area.

25 Oct, 2014

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