Stapelia gigantea
By Meanie

6 Oct, 2014
First bloom on this - most excellent!
Comments on this photo
We have the pant on our patio in Mexico. Most impresive flower. The colour on our landlord's plant is more beige yours is almost red. Looks like few more are coming.
7 Oct, 2014
I really like this cactus!
I may be planting a lot more cacti in the future. With the extreme drought and HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE heat we've had (and still having) lately, virtually all my plants are stressed and looking horrible!
7 Oct, 2014
Very impressive and unusual !
7 Oct, 2014
Thanks all! I'm over the moon with it.
Klahanie - the colour of the flowers appears to be quite variable from plant to plant.
Delonix - My plants are drowning!!!
7 Oct, 2014
Is it raining then Meanie? still we need it, sorry!!
7 Oct, 2014
Not today. But it surely did pee down yesterday and Saturday!
7 Oct, 2014
Please, please, please send some of your rain! We are going to be on extreme water-rationing come November. We need to do a continuous rain dance.
The weather has been so very dry and extremely hot this year. Most of California's reservoirs are virtually empty. We've been in a state of emergency due to the lack of water since spring.
11 Oct, 2014
Serious then..................not good.
11 Oct, 2014
ps - the spare room where this is seriously stinks!
11 Oct, 2014
Yes, it's very, very serious! Remember: California supplies most of the U.S. with their winter crops (along with Florida)...and with no water, no crops or very limited winter crops. This affects our very fragile, recovering economy.
15 Oct, 2014
I like the colour of your gigantea I thought mine was unusual until I clicked here.
17 Nov, 2016
Pictures by meanie
1945 of 2592
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This photo is of species Stapelia gigantea.
This photo is of "Stapelia gigantea" in Meanie's garden
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