The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Wodyetia bifurcata

Wodyetia bifurcata

Taken October 12th 2014
Foxtail Palm

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It looks great! I'm so lucky I get to see your palm every time I water the front yard. :>)

12 Nov, 2014


Thanks Andy!

I hope you're only doing that watering on the designated days within the proper hours. I wouldn't want to have to report you to the drought police.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

12 Nov, 2014


Me water within designated days and hours! Yeah, right!!! LOL!

I think maybe next week we may get some much needed rain. I hope it happens!

12 Nov, 2014


they are amazing Randy..i would soo love to be able to see them from my back door watering needed in Wales till the spring...

18 Nov, 2014



I live where the tall Norfolk Island Pine is located in the background (across the street from the big house on the left). I'm so very lucky I can see Randy's garden from my front yard.

You're so lucky you don't need to water. Many of my plants have done horribly this year. Several have even died because of this horrible, horrible drought accompanied by protracted very hot weather! We need some of your rain water here in Southern California.

18 Nov, 2014


i love our seasons Delonix...we have had a glorious summer so our plants are loving the wet weather..

19 Nov, 2014



I generally love our dry subtropical climate! However, this past year the hot, dry weather started in the middle of December 2013 and lasted all year and without the rain (which we need so badly). The ground here is like concrete. I'm seeing major affects from the drought on the street trees and other plants.

20 Nov, 2014

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