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Nice sidewalk planting


By Stan510

Nice sidewalk planting

Old man Cactus

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It looks nice and healthy. How old is it?

20 Oct, 2014


Dont know for sure..mine has taken a decade to reach that height- and its still a single plant with small pups. I have a photo of one that must be decades old- at least 20' exaggeration. By the old Hunts cannery.
The pic is on photobucket. Not sure if I can get it on GOY. And its most likely more then 5mb.

20 Oct, 2014


I have seen many large cacti in the SF Bay Area. I know of some very old specimens around the Bay Area. I'm guessing the very old Cereus repandus (Cereus peruvianus) Peruvian Apple Cactus is still in San Leandro off the 580 Freeway? I think it's around 100 years old or maybe older.

21 Oct, 2014


Oh yeah- the SL Cereus is still a beacon. My brother and then later on old gf of mine both lived near Dutton. Great frost free climate,old Craftsman and Storybook homes with the best soil I ever dug silty loam. Everything grows great there..tomatoes I remember naturalized behind her garage. That's where - I cant recall her name- a famous bay area palm and succulent collector lived. I once drove by her home many years ago..I remember the tall Cereus and huge Pachycereus cacti that were double the fence height.

22 Oct, 2014


Yes, many areas of the Bay Area have excellent soil! Some of the best soil in the world, actually.

I hope that San Leandro Cereus will never be cut down...that would be such a shame. It should receive historic recognition so it can't be cut down (even by the owner of the house).

I knew Inge Hoffman. She was the person who had the succulent and palm garden in San Leandro. Unfortunately, she passed-away a few years back. :>( I knew her husband, also who was a huge palm-enthusiast. He died back in 1991 if I'm not mistaken.

24 Oct, 2014

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