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Beaucarnea guatemalensis variegated.


By Stan510

Beaucarnea guatemalensis variegated. (Beaucarnea guatemalensis.)

Much more tender then the common Ponytail palm we all know and love. This will not take below 32f with out leaves being singed. Its a much slower grower that also doesn't seem to develop much of a wide base. It does have a nice striated trunk,Aloe like.

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I've seen these here (although not very common). They seem to grow very well in San Diego.

29 Oct, 2014


I had a guy who lives down your way- but not right on the coast who grew these for sale to nurseries, (he was wholesale) tell me he stopped growing them because,they were always damaged by frost in inland San Diego,and that it took until the end of the NEXT summer to look good again. Same here,so far. But Dec 2013 was extra cold early,extra warm late-lol.

29 Oct, 2014


He must live in a canyon area. Inland San Diego still has a very mild and frost-free climate...not unless he lived in San Diego's far east county at a higher elevation.

29 Oct, 2014


Ok..I took a look at his profile on xericworld forum. He owns Mysterious Gardens nursery in San Diego,that he rates a 9b. Must be well inland.

29 Oct, 2014


It must be far inland. Most of San Diego (especially the urban areas, like where I live) are 10B and 11. Some areas around Point Loma and other areas around the coast have never recorded a freezing temp. The canyons are the coldest areas which get some light frost every year (the window of frost opportunity is very short, though. It's usually only the last two weeks of Dec. and the first two weeks of Jan).

30 Oct, 2014


The same window on Hayward. That period is what I've called our winter. For most years. Historically its gotten cold in February on occasion...but all the internet records over the last 25 years or so are freeze free by then. The USDA in 2012 Knighted us 10a.

30 Oct, 2014


Yes, I know it's about the same in the Bay Area. It's just here it's miss most years with the frost...and of course, the daytime temps are always much warmer and the amount of hours of cold is much lower (this is the biggest difference).

The Bay Area used to be 10a for many years...then when the 1990 Freeze hit it was changed to 9b.

31 Oct, 2014

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