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Daylily cross - Amber Rhum x Kazoo

Daylily cross - Amber Rhum x Kazoo

This was my most frequently used applique type TET this year. It had several repeat blooms, and here it is having another.

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Oh, lucky you! I think you are the most blessed in the whole wide world.

2 Nov, 2014


Thanks. I am really getting impatient to get the use of my left hand back so I can continue getting things ready for next years new seedlings.

2 Nov, 2014


Have the doctors said how long it'll be before you can use it again Wylie?, poor you :-(

4 Nov, 2014


I go on the 20th to have the cast removed. In the meantime, I came up with an excersize for my fingers:
I stretch my arm out over a cat and then wiggle my fingers. Switch to slow kneading, and then wiggle some. Repeat and repeat. At least the lucky cat enjoys it.

4 Nov, 2014


Not to long now then, good exercise :-)

5 Nov, 2014

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