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9 Nov 2014
These irises are also flowering NOW!!

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And what stunning colours they are!

10 Nov, 2014


That's nice. Make the most of them :)

10 Nov, 2014


Thank you everyone for your lovely comments ♪

13 Nov, 2014


Must be a remontant Iris, that is they can flower in the Autumn, after the normal season. I have Iris Again and Again in bud for 3 weeks now, but I think the frost will get it before it opens! Lovely colours this one, do you know its' name?

1 Dec, 2014


Unfortunately I don't know the name; it was given by my mum. She said this would flower at odd times of the year and it did indeed! I'll send you one next year because I've got 2.

1 Dec, 2014


Oh, thank you Tommymoo, I would love a piece of this. It could be Quaker Lady or Eldorado, both heritage Iris bred 1909 & 1910. I have Iris "Immortality" a pure white remontant, if you would like some of that. If you look at my blog Iris Singing in the rain, 15 May 2014, it is pictured there, along with Laurel Park, Golden Muffin, and Concertina which I can also give you.

2 Dec, 2014



You're sooooo kind! How can I say "no" to your generous offer!! I looked at your blog and they are all gorgeous! I can give you these 2 if you like (please see my photo below), one on the left (yellow and purple) and the other one on the upper right (dark purple; difficult to see):

*Don't know the names, sorry!

4 Dec, 2014


Please, please, pretty please!!!! Lol

6 Dec, 2014

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