front lights
By Franl155

17 Nov, 2014
I have probs finding my house sometimes, especially in the dark! And it’s hard to direct cab drivers to it as there’s nothing to distinguish it from all the others. I thought this might help: bought some cheap solar lanterns and stuck ‘em on canes; thought I could tell drivers to stop at the “hedge lights”! Sadly, their batteries don’t last long enough to be useful – even coming back from the shop at 8pm they’re dark. The sun doesn’t come round that side of the house till afternoon, so it’s not surprising. They’ll get more power in summer, but it’s now that I need them! Still, it was an idea
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I did think of a chain or mesh of lights, but I didn't want to make it too obvious! and I wanted something out of reach from the pavement (East End conditioning!)
I did think of batteries, ie Ever-Readies, or ones I could charge up at the mains, but I can't find "battery lantern" without the word "solar" appearing in the results
lol slo thought of painting the house number on the edge of the drie in luminous paint! but it needs to be something that the cab driver can see - he'd be on the side away from the kerb.
I might ask the HA if they'd let me get a mains cable laid to the back of the hedge nearest the drive (coo! still can't get over ME having a drive!)- it's health and safety, and all that, given my vision: then I could put a proper lamp up to give the driver something to aim for.
17 Nov, 2014
Yes, and I wonder if you might get some help with that from one of the support agencies? Aren't we just so blessed? I'm sitting here thinking about how much we both have to look forward to...and no need to rush is there? We have time to get it right slowly and with care. I am definitely guilty of wanting it all NOW!! Lol ;) sometimes I think it's because I still. Can't quite believe that I have my lovely home and nobody is going to take it away. Just like a kid with sweeties!!
17 Nov, 2014
...meant to say, your neighbourhood looks really lovely and quiet and pretty. What a difference eh?! :)))
17 Nov, 2014
oh, yes! the road loops, with side roads, there's only one way in and out of the estate by road, and not many more by foot! late evening you can hear distant traffic noise, but i've only heard about half a dozen sirens in the year I'e been here, rather than that many every hour at the old place!
17 Nov, 2014
Peace, perfect peace! :)))))) The other day, Scott said (sarcastically, which is his forte) how much he misses the kids on their trampolenes! We are still enjoying the peace every day! :)
17 Nov, 2014
the only drag is getting about: the buses stop at 6pm and town's half an hour away on foot: there's only one subway under the major roads that surround hte estate, which only lets you go in two directions: for all others, I have to go over the top, across the roads with no crossing points. But other than that, can't fault it
17 Nov, 2014
Makes the winter dark quite a problem for you.
17 Nov, 2014
lolnot really I just stay in! but later I want to start joining social groips and evening classes, then it might be, unless I can cadge lifts! stil wouldn't go back to Beffnal Green, htough even if I had to walk both ways!!
17 Nov, 2014
:)) good for you! :)
17 Nov, 2014
Perhaps one of the reasons an 'outsider' was able to get this rather nice housing. Insiders know about such drawbacks. 6pm for last bus is really ridiculous Fran. Most will have very near associations and can be ferried around easily. You can use these dark days to get sorted out indoors. We always have helicopters circling low overhead looking for the local scallywags.
The Viking blackbirds are back. Jumping around the hawthorn trying to see one another off. The rats have self harmed on Wilko fresh poison. No more filching from the bird table and the pussy cats can go look another place for ratty type thrills.
A leg up from Bethnal Green Fran. Do they sell waterproof sticky lamps for outdoors and a plank would take 1 or 2. Put it out as you go out etc. Plead for a blue light over the door if there isn't one....say you tripped and nearly fell.
18 Nov, 2014
This is an estate for people to retire out of London, Dorjac, so freeing-up housing in the capital. No doubt none of us knew about the drawbacks! but then, most of the neighbours seem to have cars, so it wouldn't worry them much.
lol choppers overhead is something else I don't miss! there have been some here, but distant, presume for traffic reports for local radio.
Glad your wildlife visitors seem to have sorted themselves out, even if with some Wilko enouragement! hope you don't need to use such extremes again, at least for a while.
I hadn't thought of sticky lamps - it's the batteries that are the prob, they just don't last long enough - they come on about 4pm this time of year and by the time I'd need them, ten-ish, they're out. Hadn't thought of a blue lamp, either - lol so long as they don't think I'm a cop-shop! I do need a porch light: trying to find the keybole when i'm in my own light and there isn't much of it anyway, isn't much fun. If I go out during the day, I don't think to turn the hall light on for coming back in the dark. Still need something that can be seen from the middle of the road, which is where the driver would be - or at least for me to see to tell the driver.
19 Nov, 2014
If you can get a blue or coloured bulb put up in the hall in the winter. Just tell the driver to look for the blue or green light. Or any colour but red in a small lamp on the front window sill. Some shops have all sorts of gadgety lights that you might use. Best with ordinary batteries or rechargeables. I'm very surprised your front porch has no light. What a good idea to provide housing outside London in a place like Shrewsbury!I'm a bit jealous. Such a nice place to explore. If I was there I think I would start to do my water colours or pencil work more too. Not too much to inspire me round here.
20 Nov, 2014
I could get coloured light bulbs - when I've got a light to put them in! I'm not sure how much of the house windows could be seen from the road, with the hedge in the way - standing up it's obvious, but the driver would be sitting down. Of course, I have my blue Chinese Lantern - at the moment it's hung on the window frame, but could put it nearer the road (but solar battery limitations applies to that too).
The porch is inset, with walls out to each side, which blocks off any light from the nearest lamp post, quite a way down the street. A lot of hosues have porch lights, one would expect them to be standard fittings, but apparently not. So many types to choose from, but no solar one would be any use.
lol if you rent your place, you could apply to the Country and Seaside Homes for a transfer, but owning your own place would tend to cancel that out, unless you went for a swop
only seems to apply to GLA, but most cities surely would have something similar, to clear housing for key workers etc.
Didn't know you wree an artist! I've got tons of art stuff not unpacked yet, and even when unpacked probably won't use it much; I've got the heart for it, but not the talent, or the eye!
ps there's a guide of what areas the scehem covers, or this scheme at least:
20 Nov, 2014
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I have the same problem Fran. I put a string of lights around one of my gate plinths, but lately there hasn't been enough sun to charge them. However, usually it works fairly well, and you don't need direct sun to charge them up...just a good bright day.
17 Nov, 2014