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Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima (Poinsettia))

My poinsettia is colouring nicely. I cut this back to around 6 feet tall last year and it has doubled its size. It grows outdoors and requires no special care.

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Wow! It is huge!

18 Nov, 2014


As long as it is frost free, these do really well outside. They are all over the island, and they all get really big.

18 Nov, 2014


I know of one in Hayward that must be a cultivar- its growing with compact dense foliage on maybe 4-5' of plant.
Not much color so far. Not common here like in soucal.

22 Nov, 2014


I saw my first outdoor one in Auckland, NZ. It was as tall as the house it was in front of, and covered in red. I put mine behind a small wooded area for protection from the wind.

23 Nov, 2014


The red colour is so pretty ...

6 Dec, 2014


Thanks - it has become more red since this was taken, and is also in flower.

6 Dec, 2014

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Pictures by wylieintheazores
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