Bigger Jade plant.
By Stan510

14 Dec, 2014
One of the top 10% in size. Some are taller..but this holds its own. I like how the larger they get- the trunk just gets smoother.
Comments on this photo
19 Dec, 2014
Now that the sun is returning I can post some others soon.
20 Dec, 2014
I forgot to mention. There used to be a ~ 12' (3.7m) tall Jade tree in Newark, next to a house. It was close to the Dumbarton Bridge.
20 Dec, 2014
You think you could find it with google and link that? The tropicals are here..but you really have to hunt to find the big ones. Seems like bay areans- the first thing they do is chop down the plants on a home they just bought. Especially the exotics. Not a soucal plant culture here.
That reminds of that show "Flipping San Diego". One of the two hosts- the dumb one- chops all the exotics down. He once took down a huge Philo evansii because he claimed "the roots are cracking the garage's cement slab"..!.Philodendron roots couldn't break a paper bag.
20 Dec, 2014
It's been so many years since I've seen that jade tree (it was around 1988). I can't remember the street. Oh how I wish we had smart phones and digital cameras back then!
Some people are very paranoid about the roots of plants and trees. I've seen some really beautiful Ficus trees cut down, sadly! I remember a huge, very old Ficus elastica 'Decora' "Burgundy" which was cut down because it was planted right next to an old 1920's style house. It was most likely planted as a cute little plant...then developed a massive trunk and root-system pressing against the house. The tree was probably around 45' (14 m) tall.
One good story which was in San Diego Magazine several years back, was a giant 65' + (20 m) Ficus elastica 'Decora' tree which was planted by another beautiful early 1920's style house. It literally takes over the whole front yard. The owners loved the tree and had a few roots trimmed. The house and rubber tree is located by the San Diego Zoo. It still flourishes there today and is most likely close to 100 years old. I will have to get a photo of this tree.
21 Dec, 2014
Pictures by stan510
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What else?
See who else is growing Crassula ovata (Jade tree).
See who else has plants in genus Crassula.
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That's a nice size.
17 Dec, 2014