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141228 - and they said it never snowed in Shrewsbury" (there's a tongue-twister for you). Just a few flakes coming down, mixed iwth rain, but more snow than I've seen for about two years

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Can't imagine who told you that it doesn't snow in Shrewsbury! Around this time of year it usually happens about a week/10 days before the river floods.

27 Dec, 2014


More than one minicab driver said it: they said that the town was protected from the worst weather by the hills that surround it - whish isn't the samw thing as "it never snows here"!. But this is the first snow i've seen since moving upo here last November.

Though there were plenty of flood warnings last winter, flood barriers put up around one of the bridges, roads closed just in case. Don't think it acutally flooded, which may be why it didn't snow?d and if it's snowing ow, (or was then) should start to be careful about which parts of town I go into??

27 Dec, 2014


I think Frankwell was the area that regularly flooded, but the whole river loop round the south side of the town from Abbey Foregate round to Welsh Bridge was a dodgy area (Water Lane sort of gives it away!)

29 Dec, 2014


they usually mention the Frankwell Bridge area on flood alerts, though I'm sure there are others.

I've now got a streaming cold and hacking cough: that's what I get for standing outside taking pics witout putting a coat on!

29 Dec, 2014

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