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King Palm Street.


By Stan510

King Palm Street. (Archontophoenix  cunninghamiana)

Last I saw these was 2009. Waist high. Those photos are on Dave's Garden. Six years!..It felt like half that. Time flies for baby boomers.

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Are these King palms by Hesperian Blvd in Hayward?

They look terrific!

12 Mar, 2015


That's it. I'm now the official King palm chronicler in town.
I never get tired of them. In the land of Redwoods and Oaks..they seem so exotic.

13 Mar, 2015


I know where so many old King Palms are located in Hayward. There's many in Oakland, Union City, Fremont, and San Jose.

15 Mar, 2015


Andy,on the news the hurricane that hit Veritu? You could see the Archontophoenix sp.were holding up fine to the winds.
Considering they like sheltered canyons in Australia,that was interesting.

16 Mar, 2015


I din't see any King palms in the footage of the damage on Vanuatu. Mot likely A. alexandrae would grow there.

I know I've never seen a King palm blow over from very strong winds. I've seen Queen palms blow over. It happens here every year during strong winds or storms.

17 Mar, 2015

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This photo is of species Archontophoenix cunninghamiana.

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