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Hyacinths on balcony floor flowering 10-03-2015


By Balcony

Hyacinths on balcony floor flowering 10-03-2015 (Hyacinth Orientalis)

A lady friend of ours gave me a whole load of bulbs she had dug up from a garden she was working on, (she used to have her own gardening business till she had to give it up due to health problems), they wanted to do something different it the area where the bulbs were so she dug them up & gave them to me.

I putt hem in the biggest pot I had free at the time on the balcony not being too sure what they were! I thought they might be Hyacinths but wasn't all that sure. I forgot they were in that pot & during the autumn I planted Pansy seedling in it. Of course being so many bulbs so close together & with such big noses when they are pushing up through the soil pushed the poor seedlings out of the pot! :-(( There may be possibly a few that have somehow managed to cling on in there but I haven't been able to get a good look into the mass of leaves.

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This photo is of species Hyacinth Orientalis.

This photo is of "Hyacinth" in Balcony's garden

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