Daylily - John Benoot

17 Mar, 2015
Comments on this photo
They are usually spaced out instead of a clump of flowers.
18 Mar, 2015
That will be v. pretty then.
18 Mar, 2015
Fabulous display so early in the year,can't wait for mine to start :-)
All the dormants have nice fresh growth here now and when I eventually get the borders weeded and cleared I might cut all the evergreens back! They look very tatty.
18 Mar, 2015
You are making all of us,with a Brit climate, very jealous .
19 Mar, 2015
Cutting everything back very early in the season should give the best results. Double River Wye has been an evergreen here, and should start flowering soon. Others are still a little sleepy. I moved Lip Smack to a sunnier area, and it stayed evergreen instead of going dormant.
You may get a little jealous, Sirus, but I have to mow the lawn all year round, and the slugs and snails never give me a break.
19 Mar, 2015
looking great Wylie
Simbad same with me some need a haircut ,
Gnarly Gnome and Jelly Dancer are coming on a treat hopefully I can change my avitar with a Gg PHOTO
19 Mar, 2015
pretty colour!
20 Mar, 2015
Pictures by wylieintheazores
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That's pretty with the maroon edges - but do the flowers have enough room around each other to display their magnificence?
18 Mar, 2015