Moraea ochroleuca

25 Mar, 2015
This is a winter growing bulb, native to South Africa. Salmon with an orange center. Foliage is about 2' tall, the flower is 1.5"
Comments on this photo
Thanks. I have started the seeds of several other Moraeas, so hopefully they won't take too many years to start flowering.
26 Mar, 2015
Well this one is certainly worth waiting for. Good Luck.
26 Mar, 2015
Thanks. I had a really good rate of germination, so there are about 100 little bulbs growing.
26 Mar, 2015
Great picture :-)
Wylie I planted out all the daylilies you sent me yesterday I spent the day before digging out tonnes of daylily fulva, drives me mad always gets gall midge and not that pretty,using up far to much precious space, your daylilies will be much prettier I'm now eyeing a clump of kwanso far too much of that too lol, not like me to be so ruthless.
26 Mar, 2015
The guy who takes my rejects planted H. fulva so he can put the flowers in salads. I warned him it was invasive, and when he had to divide I didn't want any of it. Space is limited, so I really don't mind giving away divisions. I am thinking of getting 4 more next week.
27 Mar, 2015
Great pic, fantastic colour.
28 Mar, 2015
Aaaaw come on Wylie spill the beans which new ones are you getting ;-)
28 Mar, 2015
Thanks, Outlander :)
Simbad: Let me say I am not too worried about someone getting the more expensive ones, but I want one that is a dormant type so I can keep the genes will allow any offspring to survive colder areas; and there is one that Armin Eder registered that I don't have. ;)
28 Mar, 2015
Oooo now I'm intrigued Wylie I'll be watching this space ;-)
29 Mar, 2015
I put the order in this morning (and I already have the place to plant them ready) and I ordered: El Adventura (one of Armin Eder's. I have his Ti Amo Te, Armin's Pride, Estrella De La Suerte, sdlg 0084, 0054, and 0009); Gimme More (to add dormant genes); Geneva Siren's Song (you know how great Geneva Top Notch is); and to help put edges on everything, Buzz Lightyear.
2 Apr, 2015
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This is nice.
26 Mar, 2015