Giant Philodendron.
By Stan510
- 28 Mar, 2015
I would guess it was planted in the 1960's. The green bin is about 65 gallons for some scale. Better if it wasn't even in the photo-lol.
Comments on this photo
Philodendron selloum. Its near hardy for you. Take a look at a near identical clone called "Hope" has survived outdoors in Virgina.
30 Mar, 2015
Fingers crossed, I looked it up. Hardy to zone 8, generally, and we're 7. I leave mine outdoors until temps reach the mid 20s. Forgot to bring one in this winter and it froze, but rebounded shortly after coming indoors.
30 Mar, 2015
This Philodendon is hardy; however, I don't think it would grow too well in colder zones of 8. It's more reliable in Zones 9 -11B.
6 Apr, 2015
'Hope' is said to be hardy to z8 and mildest areas of z7. THAT'S just incredible for a plant from subtropical southern Brazil. Its sort of like Erythina crista galli or the hardy broms (like mine)..maybe Hope extends further south into Paraguay.
It does not reach the size of the one pictured,but tops out at a bushy clump of 4' or so.
7 Apr, 2015
Also Queen palms are from south Brazil,Butia. Bougainvillea. Tibochina..more tender then the rest,but does well in the temperate bay area.
7 Apr, 2015
That's interesting it would be so hardy. I never think of them as being so hardy.
I only grow the more tender ones outside, like: Congo Rojo, Congo, Brazil, and another red variety.
8 Apr, 2015
I've never seen 'Hope' for sale. Why sell something for cold tolerance here when plain old P.selloum does fine?
Now,maybe a landscaper who wants a dwarf 'Hope' might have a need. Sort of like Xanadu and the like.
8 Apr, 2015
My favorite is P. Selloum 'Evansii'. It tends to grow larger and has much larger leaves which are not as deeply cut.
There's so many new varieties which are very widely grown here. P. 'Xanadu' and 'Showboat' I've seen in many gardens here.
9 Apr, 2015
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See who else is growing Philodendron bipinnatifidum (Banana de Imbe).
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I'm speechless.
This looks an awful lot like the common philodendrons I bought a few years ago. What species is it? I had no idea they could turn into trees.
29 Mar, 2015