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Daylily cross - Marked By Lydia × Clairvoyant Lady

Daylily cross - Marked By Lydia × Clairvoyant Lady

I get excited when this starts flowering. It is larger and brighter than its 2 siblings, but doesn't rebloom as often. The trouble with some of these early earlies is that there is nothing to cross it with.

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It is breathtaking !

6 Apr, 2015


Agree with Daglelie....
I hadn't really looked closely at the daylily bed as they don't usually start till June here but yesterday I noticed 'Cosmic Hummingbird' has 6 flower scrapes,quite well developed too in April!!

6 Apr, 2015


Simbad: Didn't you have a fairly mild winter, with a mini heat wave expected this week? My place is full of scapes, but it has been a dry winter.

6 Apr, 2015

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