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It's finally warm enough for the sap to run...


By Lori

It's finally warm enough for the sap to run...

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A valuable commodity. Even a local brand with only 2% real tree syrup tastes better then famous brands and corn syrup.

3 Apr, 2015


the flavour of true maple sap/syrup is one of most delicious tastes there is. (second only to a fully ripe, juicy mango, "In My Humble Opinion" !! )
Like any agricultural crop the value of the commodity is directly controlled by nature..cold temps, not enough rain or sun, mistakes in evaporation...lots of variables determine the quality/quantity of the product and it's price at market. Maples aren't the only trees which may be tapped... Betula - Birch trees have their sap run about a month later than the maples and produce a syrup which is sweet and mild tasting. Corn syrup is no good for so many reasons...beginning with the fact that it comes from over fertilized, over sprayed fields... the lead arsenate in the soil from decades of spraying...the list is long. That's why I decided to make homemade sweetener and give up on sugar.

4 Apr, 2015


A second thought, Stan. It's too bad that to meet demand those "producers" have to adulterate such a wonderful substance.

5 Apr, 2015


I love real maple syrup! It's really expensive here, though.

8 Apr, 2015

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