The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Helleborus vesicarius


By Naoto

Helleborus vesicarius (Helleborus vesicarius)

Sorry about a bit boring picture here - this is helleborus vesicarius. I purchased 3 seeds from Mr. Will McLewin of Phedar Nursery 3 years ago - one germinated and one died the following year, one finally germinated last year.

So the picture shown here is 3-year-old vesicarius (the other one is still in cotyledon form), but it's said that it takes 5 - 7 years to see the first flower of vesicarius. I wonder it will survive before I actually see flowers (in the UK?).....

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Interesting it is to me.Not quite sure of your latter wording but wonder if I will survive to see your plant flower.!

4 Apr, 2015


What I meant was I might kill it before seeing the flowers..... ;-) vesicarius is one of the most difficult helleborus to grow, y'know?

5 Apr, 2015


Very interesting, I ve just googled it as its not one I've heard of, pretty flowers , well done on getting them to germinate !!

7 Apr, 2015



13 Apr, 2015

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