Flora Grub nursery in San Francisco.
By Stan510

8 Apr, 2015
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The entrance. Solandra maxima and a Passion vine.
The purple flower is a succulent. Name wont come to me. Flowers all year.
Comments on this photo
Oh,yeah,I should have noted that. Its the variegated. I had the variegated and it never grew. When I saw this- wow,and in cool SF.
Mine must have gotten too much shade.
16 Apr, 2015
It grows well in San Francisco. I remember some growing and flowering well on Pier 39. It does prefer sun to flower well. Although, too much hot sun and it burns. My neighbor has one which is grow as a large shrub and it burns often when it gets really hot here. The biggest problem with this vine is that it grow so extremely fast (it's one of the fastest growing vines in the world). You can almost see this vine growing, it so fast.
17 Apr, 2015
I saw the one at the pier. That was something to see in a climate of 55f July days. It was the all green but Flora Grub's plant proves me wrong that the variegated is more tropical.
I saw a young one at UC Berkeley- your right,I remember the huge long stems it sent out from a younger plant.
21 Apr, 2015
I though there were a few at Pier 39...or maybe it was only one. It's been several years since I've been to Pier 39.
This vine here can take over a whole huge yard in a couple of years. There's some here that are so huge...you wouldn't believe.
21 Apr, 2015
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9 Sep, 2008
Is it a variegated one? or is it just my eyes? lol
15 Apr, 2015