Ice plant.
By Stan510
- 22 Apr, 2015
- 1 like
Fronting the Post office. A remnant of 1960's plantings. Its fallen out of favor for the most part as being too course.
Comments on this photo
I heard that the workers who maintain the freeway planters complained that rats nested in ice plant.
Rats nest in anything. But,that was one reason its now sort of blast from the past Palma Ceia's Washys.
16 May, 2015
Unfortunately, most ground cover plants harbors rats, mice, and every bug you can think of...this is why I'm very careful planting any ground cover.
19 May, 2015
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Gardening with friends since
1 Oct, 2013
This is still being planted along many of the freeways here.
12 May, 2015