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Dicentra formosa


By Siris

Dicentra formosa (Dicentra formosa (Western Bleeding Heart))

Fresh green coloured leaves on this pink flowered Dicentra.

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Yes have this one also a bit of a pretty thug!!

1 May, 2015


Thug! that's a bit unfair, it just enlarges and enlarges. A good doer.

1 May, 2015


You see Dd, one man's meat is another man's poison!

1 May, 2015


It certainly flowers for a long time, but if I remember I think it goes into dormancy quite early too?

3 May, 2015


Yes you are does too well here !!

5 May, 2015


Perhaps Homebird, it was still there under the ground!

5 May, 2015


Ah, if you got the peat ball out intact, probably you didn't water enough initially during a dry spell.

6 May, 2015

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