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Angelica flowerhead


By Siris

Angelica flowerhead (Angelica archangelica (Angelica))

A huge biennial plant. Used to get pieces of candied angelica on cakes as a child.

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Think I have actually managed to kill it !! I remember having it as a child also....

1 May, 2015


Thankfully this only lasts so big one season. It is too big.

1 May, 2015


Biennial Hb, you should get a flowerhead this year, don't forget to collect the seeds.

1 May, 2015


That's early isn't it mines huge but not buds yet, love it but oh my does it self seed lol, should chop the heads off I suppose but quite like the seed heads too.

3 May, 2015


Will remove mine as soon as the flowers have finished, it is shading my newly made Mermaid Rose cutting.

3 May, 2015

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