The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Daylily - 'Emozione'

Daylily - 'Emozione'

Eder - 2013
First time flowering. Hopefully it will be a bad boy like the other flowers I have of his, and it will rebloom.

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Lovely edge :-)

8 May, 2015


I like edgy Daylilies the best.

8 May, 2015


This is opening better than some of the other edgy ones, so I can see myself getting a lot of use from it.

8 May, 2015


You certainly make your daylilies work for you.

8 May, 2015


When I make selections for buying, I keep in mind if they can be used. The wild cards are the bonus plants - I got my newest ones today, and the bonus was Michigan Nikki, which should be excellent for really big ruffled edges.

11 May, 2015


Means not a lot to me, but I can applaud your enthusiasm! This is not meant impolitely, Just my ignorance!

11 May, 2015

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