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Lemon yellow Iris


By Siris

Lemon yellow Iris (Iris germanica (Orris))

A tall bearded Iris (name unknown) with lemon yellow standards. Slightly different colour to Early Yellow and later.

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I have an unknown yellow too but its only a dwarf one, flowers will be open soon, this ones lovely.

10 May, 2015


Simbad, Very similar to Early Yellow. Don't have a dwarf plain yellow. Swaps maybe?

10 May, 2015


It's around 2ft is that classed as dwarf? I'll add a picture when it flowers see what you think, I do have plenty of it so if you like it no problem :-)

12 May, 2015


Dwarf is under 16", thank you Simbad, will give this one a miss, and usually the earliest to flower. Look forward, however to your photo.

12 May, 2015

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