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Comparing Geraniums macrorrhizum flowers (for Simbad)


By Siris

Comparing Geraniums macrorrhizum flowers (for Simbad) (Geranium macrorrhizum (Cranesbill))

Comparing the flowers of Geranium macrorrhizum 'alba' and 'Ingwersen's variety. Although the calyces are the same colour in all, 'Bevans' has magenta flowers.

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Aha I'm just going to post a photo Siris, my whites not flowering yet but I do have two pink, one looks like your Ingwersens's variety and pretty sure after looking at pictures on the net the other could be 'Bevans', I swapped the plant as an unknown on a swapshop years ago, its covered in buds but only a couple of flowers open so far, huge clump of it so if it is the one you wanted no problem :-)

17 May, 2015


The magenta one I do not have, whatever its' name.

17 May, 2015

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