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Little Mango tree and friends.


By Stan510

Little Mango tree and friends. (Ensente maurelii.)

Ensente maurelii - the red banana,and cycas circinalis with White Sapote tree to the left. Can you believe I also have a dwarf Avocado tree in this tiny yard?..and I didn't stop. A blue tequila Agave with some other succulents.
I try to make the most with what I have.

Comments on this photo


Your mango tree is looking very good. I saw some mango trees in San Jose. I also, saw some really nice big King Palms, really tall Ravenea rivularis (more than 20' tall), and Ficus benjamina. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take any photos on this trip. :(

Driving through Los Angeles I saw several large mango trees in traffic along the 5 freeway. The trees had mangoes larger than oranges (almost ready to pick). I've never seen mangoes so big at this time of year anywhere in southern California.

17 Jun, 2015


Would have been nice to see the photos. Its been a long time since I drove through San Jose- it has soucal vibe. Plenty of hardy palms and Auracaria's. I remember seeing a majesty palm with 3' of trunk looking perfect in the corner of a front yard that had healthy turf. That was before digital cameras became common.
I got lucky on the water cutbacks..8% is not bad. Cacti and succulents get minimal water..and then enough for those that need consistent watering like the tree ferns.
Some of my plants are like pets..and who would let a pet they have had for years die of thirst to save water?

18 Jun, 2015


I was so surprised with the amount of Ficus benjamina, tall Ravenea and Archontophoenix. So many yards in San Jose have Phoenix roebellenii it's almost as popular as in San Diego.

20 Jun, 2015


It's kind of funny how much it depends on what the local HD carries,Andy. I see quite a few King palms here- including mine,all about the same size. Home Depot and Lowes were selling them. Now? Not commonly sold and when they are,they put them in expensive huge ceramic pots and want $110.
I guess San Jose nursery's and HD are into selling them. I know I read one palm lover say he actually bought a Royal palm at a San Jose Home Depot.
I've never seen a Royal for sale. EVER! anyplace!

21 Jun, 2015


Yes, I remember when HD used to sell Lipstick, Bottle, Royal palms. You still can purchase Royal and Bottle palms here at Lowes and HD.

21 Jun, 2015

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This photo is of species Ensente maurelii..

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