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Lychnis flos-cuculi (ragged robin)

Lychnis flos-cuculi (ragged robin)

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I love this lychnis. Is it as hardy and spreading as the others? (that's what I need.)

8 Jun, 2015


Hi Lori. Yes very hardy. Yes, seeds around without being invasive but it likes damp conditions. I grew from seed for my woodland but added some to my island bed too.

8 Jun, 2015


You have the perfect setting for it Dawn it adds a lovely splash of colour ....

8 Jun, 2015


I've been pecking away at the pond/stream area every year for the last five years. Progress, as you can imagine, seems nil... but just getting the grass jungle cut back is a bit of a job. So far only cannas because I pull them every autumn the green and white is pretty but would like some colour. Have some ligs that I can split and add to the pond area but as I's all slow motion. Last winter was brutal but the irises have finally come into their own..more work there. Thought about adding them to the island bed but every spring there is such a flood and things get carried downstream...decisions..decisions... lol. plus the age factor.. ;-) your garden is an inspiration, DA.

9 Jun, 2015


Thanks Amy.
Hi Lori, i think we need to give your pond some thought :). Can you give me a brief description of your year round climate.

9 Jun, 2015


You may be sorry you asked, DA! Brevity can be good but the climate hereabouts is getting colder...but more variable... If that makes any sense. It was the worst winter that I can remember. At my count (last year and so far this year) our frost free period has shrunk from 5 months to 3-1/2 months. I wish I was kidding. I would welcome a work crew... as I'm getting too old to dig with my trusty spade. Winter - snow below zero temps day and night from early Dec. to mid-March. This winter there were no thaws in that period. April is cruel...more sun but cold. May warm temps and above zero nights start...June, July, August... summer! Usually very hot, and humid with temps as high as 40 C. Sept. nights get very cold, in the last 5 seasons the first killing frost has come in the first week of Sept. Then it seems to warm up through October teens and twenties for temps. November zero or below nights days in the single digits. Snow by the second week in Nov. and it stays.

10 Jun, 2015


My goodness Lori. I thought we had a short season here. I will drop you a pm over the next few days.

11 Jun, 2015

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