French Marigolds
By Bathgate
- 11 Jun, 2015
These are a natural pesticide for the vegetable garden. Even the roots take care of those underground critters, plus - they are edible. The flowers make wonderful cake decorations, or toss them in a salad.
Comments on this photo
They sure are Julia. I think the petals would look nice sprinkled over a birthday cake.
11 Jun, 2015
Fabulous vivid colours Paul. I had heard of people growing flowers in with the veg. I didn't realise the marigold what so useful, in this respect.
11 Jun, 2015
Hi Alan, Here it's common to see marigolds in the veggie garden. They have a number of benefits plus they look nice. They also get rid of those nematodes that kill tomatoes. However, I don't think I'd plant them in the same pot with tomatoes. Tomatoes are very hungry and thirsty plants.
12 Jun, 2015
? I'll take your advice on that one.
12 Jun, 2015
We plant them in pots in the greenhouse Paul ...
12 Jun, 2015
You are lucky to have a greenhouse Amy. How long do they last in the greenhouse? Mine keep blooming until the cold weather kills them. I always save a couple seedheads for the next year.
12 Jun, 2015
I love these two,but i haven't had any for a couple of years..Slugs and snails are quite partial to them,sadly,but I had mine on pots,so I could keep watch on them..
13 Jun, 2015
When I've grown Tomatoes in Grow Bags I've always popped in a couple of French Marigolds, they've been fine and kept the job of keeping the Tomatoes clear of pests... ;o) Never eaten any of the marigold petals though... However, a friend of mine regularly makes up a salad with Nasturtium flowers though... Sorry to say I'm not so adventurous...;o)
14 Jun, 2015
I haven't been brave enough to try eating them either.
14 Jun, 2015
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I love these and as you point out Paul, they're useful too, that must be a bonus.
11 Jun, 2015