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DSC00054_edited.jpg (Geranium himalayense (Hardy geranium))

sept 07

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It's amazing how many colors of leaves and blossoms there are for geraniums>

20 May, 2009


you know these are completely different plants though don't you? this is a 'Hardy Geranium' - which is perennial and fully hardy we grow them in the UK outside all year round and they go completely underground in the winter - usually comes in mauves, blues, pinks and sometimes - very ocationally white. the other types i have are Zonal Geraniums & Pelagroniums - which are very different - they are shrubby, frost sensertive and semi evergreen, and the flowers are usually reds, pinks, whites, orange etc.. and the leaves are often far more fancy...oh and you can get trailling ones that go in hanging baskets....although recently there has been a yellow, and purple bread - both are sort after and rare. we grow these types in the UK as patio plants, outside in the summer, inside in the winter.

20 May, 2009

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This photo is of "Geranium himalayense 'Plenum'" in Majeekahead's garden

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