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Solanum laciniatum


By Meanie

Solanum laciniatum (Solanum laciniatum (Kangaroo Apple))

Grown from seed this year.

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This plant grows wild in many areas of southern California. It's a nice flowering plant.

2 Jul, 2015


It is one of the nicest Solanum in my opinion. I had one in the ground last year and it grew like boogery but was shy to flower.

I have some seedlings of S.pyracanthum coming along - a beast of a plant!

3 Jul, 2015


That's an interesting one. I love S. quitoense which is similar with the spines. The fruit is edible. It likes the cooler weather like up in the San Francisco Bay Area, though. It's very tender to cold (it doesn't survive freezing temps).

5 Jul, 2015


I'm rather wary of eating Solanum fruits!

6 Jul, 2015


You don't like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers? These are all in the same family.

S. quitoense is a widely cultivated crop in South America. The fruit is very good.

6 Jul, 2015

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This photo is of "Solanum laciniatum" in Meanie's garden

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