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Daylily cross - College Colors × Bali Watercolor

Daylily cross - College Colors × Bali Watercolor

TET, 7" across, 47" tall, bud count 20
This is getting moved in the fall, and if it is just as tall next year, it will probably get considered for registration.
It is usually the normal 3 petals.

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Lovely and very curly :-)
Remember that first seedling of mine 'Star of Fantasy' x 'Iktomi' ?it didn't flower last year but this year the scapes are soo tall towering above anything else in the daylily bed and nowhere near flowering size, lots of scapes but not a huge amount of buds per scape ,I'll always keep it though because it was my first :-)

26 Jun, 2015


Try it in a different location. When I got Fun in the Sunshine, it came in 2 one fan pieces, and I planted them in 2 different, but close, spots. One is doing OK, while the other has several scapes loaded with flowers and is taller.

27 Jun, 2015


I ll try splitting it this year it is quite a big clump now.
I've only measured height and flower size up till now,when you put bud count 20 is that buds per scape? counted today on SOF x I only around 10 per scape but a couple of scapes had a bit of branching so more on those, confusing:-)

27 Jun, 2015


To get a bud count, count the buds on several scapes and get an average. Branching is done the same way, however, the terminal "V" is not counted as 2 separate branches.

28 Jun, 2015



3 Jul, 2015

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