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Jasmine 'clotted cream' close up

Jasmine 'clotted cream' close up

Looking forward to the scent when this gets the sun!

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This IS the right way up! Climber is on a trellis, so the flowers face the light from right to left . . .

3 Jul, 2015


BeautifulSheila! I am also eagerly anticipating my jasmine flowers. They arent quite there yet. I love the colour of this one though.

3 Jul, 2015


Thank you Karen. I often wish there were more plants with cream flowers . . . I think my only other one is Hibiscus trionum which is just coming into flower :)

3 Jul, 2015


That's a pretty one,Sheila..I agree,there aren't enough cream flowers around..such a soft colour..

3 Jul, 2015


Yes there isn't much that I can think of.

3 Jul, 2015


Thank you Sandra - btw, also thank you for the lovely white Campanula, now in flower!

4 Jul, 2015


Are you sure you mean me.Sheila,and not Karen ,that sent you the White Campanula? I can't remember having one of those ! Lol x

4 Jul, 2015


I do have white campanula, but I dont remember sending any.

4 Jul, 2015


The Mystery donor then ! :o)

4 Jul, 2015


Glad you said that Sandra and Karen . . . I've just looked through my little GoY notebook and see that it was Steragram (Sue) who sent me the Campanula. Off to thank her right now!

4 Jul, 2015


Ha Ha,thank goodness we keep a record :o)

4 Jul, 2015


A lovely plant, loads of bloom. I'll have to imagine the perfume!

4 Jul, 2015


Thanks Feverfew. I've just remembered another 'cream' flower in the garden, so I've taken a photo for you all!

5 Jul, 2015

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