Yellow Jack - Dolichovespula and Vespula
By Bathgate

6 Jul, 2015
Often mistaken for a bee, they are actually wasps with a 'red hot' temper. Preys on grubs and insects and an important pollinator. Avoid this one; he means business and is responsible for many Emergency Room visits.
Comments on this photo
They do a great job too.
6 Jul, 2015
I don't think I would mistake him, he looks far too much like a wasp and I hate wasps.
7 Jul, 2015
I stepped on one once with bare feet. The pain was unreal and my foot swelled up for a couple days.
7 Jul, 2015
Oh, nasty!
7 Jul, 2015
Ouch ! no I don't like him :o(
7 Jul, 2015
Not one of my favorites either.
8 Jul, 2015
ran over a nest of ground wasps with the lawnmower...was stung through denim jeans! the sensation was like being stabbed with a needle! with the noise of the lawnmower I didn't get the usual warning of the angry hum of a nest disturbed! This is a timely warning... have spent some time in the emerg. with stings. Thankful that I'm not anaphilactic. My niece has to carry an epi-pen.
15 Sep, 2015
I just saw your comment Lori ... I was stung on my upper arm by something (Bee/Wasp/other?) on Saturday afternoon ... as you say the feeling was just like being pricked with a needle! Rushed indoors to remove my tee-shirt and hopefully shake out whatever stung me but nothing to be found. Anti-histamine tabs seem to be working ... phew!
15 Sep, 2015
Ughh! That's a frightening experience, I'm glad you got over it. The pain is hard to describe but needles or razor blades comes pretty close. I had to soak my foot in Epsom salt to draw out the venom. I won't be missing these guys!
15 Sep, 2015
some wasps, (especially the ground nesting ones) can sting more than once! We also had wasps under the soffits above our back door... I sprayed with a wasp killer and made the mistake of walking through the door. One of the creatures got down my shirt and stung me on the shoulder blade... I couldn't see the sting but applied a bread poultice with Epsom Salts, thanks to my hub. The poultice drew out the venom and an antihistamine helped with the swelling. when I think of the die-off of lovely things like honeybees and butterflies I have to wonder...why couldn't hornets and wasps share in the demise?
15 Sep, 2015
Those are words to ponder. Good ole' Epsom Salt. I always keep some around
15 Sep, 2015
yes, it's amazing stuff and baking soda too. nothing like a soak in a nice hot tub of baking soda and epsom salts... My parents used ES as a laxative and emetic, and it came down to them from their parents. they used it along with bread to make a drawing poultice. it felt a little strange and mushy but it sure worked.
16 Sep, 2015
I'll have to remember that...the poultice.
16 Sep, 2015
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And also eating your aphids.
6 Jul, 2015