Sophora microphylla Sunking
By Green_finger
- 7 Jul, 2015
Comments on this photo
Thanks, glad you like them.
I watched the video & also read your page, you live in a beautiful place full of natural beauty. I am so envious that you can grow all those acid loving plants.
I have a friend that lives at Westholme, BC on a mountain that they cleared themselves, she takes the most amazing pictures & has also created a beautiful garden. It all looks so idyllic with it's temperate seasons.
8 Jul, 2015
Green_fingers, your friends live not too far from us. We are at the same distance south od Duncan as they are north of Duncan. Westholme is very peaceful and picturesque community. Thank you for your interest in my webpage.
8 Jul, 2015
I read that you live part of the year in Mexico - very different from BC.
8 Jul, 2015
Yes, we do. We like the diversity of two places. I am learning about the Mexican flora as well. And yes, very different in every way.
9 Jul, 2015
I think if I lived in BC with all your beautiful plantings I would never want to leave.
9 Jul, 2015
One day it might come to it, Green_fingers but the winters here are grey ( not much sun) and dreary but summers are heavenly. The places we go to are different but very beautiful as well and plenty of sun in winter. Of course I do not grow anything but herbs in the pots there but our gardens there are equally nice. Did you see my blog on Mexican gardens? These are ex-pats gardens who live there full time.
We have lots of deer here on the Island that love my plantings but I like to see them around and I have to find plants they do not favour which is not many so I have to share :-)
9 Jul, 2015
I think you & my friend in Westholme would have plenty in common. She loves the natural world & her garden too. She also has a wonderful eye for photography & her photos just won 6 photo challenge awards on!
She posted a pic of the orange sky saying that there are so many fires burning in BC that our sky looks like the day after the apocalypse.
I imagine you have to be very vigilant on your 8 acres with your wooded areas.
I haven't got as far as your Mexico blog yet.
10 Jul, 2015
Thank you Green_finger. The sky is back to normal but it was "eerie" feeling that day.
Our land is mainly old forest....impenetrable in some places. A "real" and untamed piece of nature....except couple of acres around the house which was cleared and landscaped ...the rest is left along.
10 Jul, 2015
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What else?
View photos by Green_finger
This photo is of species Sophora microphylla.
See who else has plants in genus Sophora.
This photo is of "Sophora / Sun King" in Green_finger's garden
Sophora Japonica
£17.50 at Burncoose -
Sophora Macrocarpa
£14.00 at Burncoose -
Sophora Davidii
£14.00 at Burncoose -
Sophora Tetraptera
£13.00 at Burncoose
Nice choice of plants Green_finger.
7 Jul, 2015