Tropical Storm Delores' Flooding Rain
By Delonix1

22 Jul, 2015
Tropical Storm Delores' rain hit San Diego County and Southern California very hard this past weekend. This is a pic of my front yard. My plants were loving this tropical rain and the temp of 90ºF (32ºC) which hit Sunday, also. This has helped my plants from the extreme, historical drought hitting California. Photo taken July 18, 2015.
Comments on this photo
You don't know how happy I am we received this rain. So many of my plants were really looking horribly! The ground was like concrete. Even when I was watered, the water would not penetrate the soil to the plant's roots.
The rain did sink into the soil. The first day of rain it rained very hard off-and-on with really big thunderstorms. The second day on Sunday it rained constantly and heavily from 1:30 pm to 9:00 p.m. It did cause quite a bit of flash flooding around San Diego and most of Southern California.
The remnant low from former Tropical Storm Delores is still off San Diego's coast just spinning up warm and very humid air. It's been horrible sleeping weather for the last 5 days.
22 Jul, 2015
Yes, the ground is really sighing with relief. I've never seen the ground so wet in July...and this is because San Diego has never recorded so much rain in July. We broke the previous record going back to 1865.
22 Jul, 2015
Any rain was going to be good news I guess. Now you just need it to keep it up until christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 Jul, 2015
Yes, any rain is good news. The only people that wouldn't agree are the ones that had their homes flooded. Today the state Governor declared a state of emergency in San Diego these people get government relief.
There's a very strong or "Super" El Niño developing along with a very strong MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation). This means potentially very strong storms hitting California this year...along with lots of much needed rain and snow in the mountains. This would be good for a our drought. There's some predictions that we may even get more rain from tropical systems heading north towards San Diego. We will see.
23 Jul, 2015
Such extremes in the weather this year, we have gone from hot humid and bone dry to wet and cold!!
I expect you are welcoming the rain though, as long as it knows when to stop, we could all do without the storms!!
26 Jul, 2015
Wow! That sounds like really crazy weather you're having.
The rain we received from Tropical Storm Delores was the most rain ever recorded in July. The last time we had even anywhere near this amount of rain was back in 1865...and it was a lot less.
The weather here continues to be hot and humid...very uncomfortable, especially at night.
27 Jul, 2015
I can imagine...
29 Jul, 2015
Today it's already very hot and humid and it's still early morning. The big thunderstorms are in the deserts and mountains, though. I hope we get some rain from some of the monsoonal thunderstorms!
30 Jul, 2015
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27 Sep, 2008
You must be very happy for a couple of days at least surely? Trouble is that it soon runs off after such a long period of drought, let alone replenishing the reserves.
22 Jul, 2015