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Daylily 'Moose Man'


By Simbad

Daylily 'Moose Man' (hemerocallis)

Not a poly flower Wylie but great colour,it has had a couple of poly flowers but unfortunately this is one the gall midge love, good job it reblooms :-)

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It still carries the genes to produce polys if you want to use it.

26 Jul, 2015


Thanks for the info Wylie, not a lot of crossing going on here its been wet every morning for a few days now.

29 Jul, 2015


I have had a lot of success on wet and rainy days this year. If I can get some dry pollen the day before and save it in the fridge; the next day I make sure the stamen is dry, dab and cap. It is one of those notes I make in that program, because I'll never remember it in 2 months.

30 Jul, 2015


mine never flowerd this year , it has bulked up to 4 or 5 fans though so I will find a better spot for it , seemed happy last year .

Lava spike has been non stop flowering with me for over 4 weeks , you win some and lose some

8 Aug, 2015


They all seem to perform differently from year to year don't they, maybe depending on the weather? 'Yabba Dabba Doo' hasn't flowered well for 2-3 years here this year its been amazing never stopped and sending up new scapes already same with 'Wilson Spider' while others haven't been so good this year 'Tomorrow's Song', one of my favourites, hardly a good flower all season.

8 Aug, 2015


good to know as its looking robust ... not warm enough during the early part of our so called summer !

8 Aug, 2015


Never know it might still flower, a few of mine are sending up new scapes to rebloom :-)

9 Aug, 2015

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This photo is of species hemerocallis.

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This photo is of "Daylily 'Moose Man'" in Simbad's garden

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